

Me & My Emotions teaches you skills to build resilience through videos and written lessons. Let’s begin the first one! 

Lesson 1

The Sun


…to your first Me & My Emotions lesson! We’re so happy that you’re making this journey to be calm and in control as you face life’s challenges.

Brain 1

To do this, we’ll introduce you to several skills that you can easily learn through practice. The first is called:


Self-soothing can help our nervous system learn to react more calmly.

When our nervous system is calm,
we can wait before reacting to stressful situations.
Past experiences called trauma can make our nervous system think there is danger…
Nervous System

…when there is no danger, make us react in all sorts of unexpected ways.

Events that overwhelm our nervous system’s ability to process them are called trauma. These events can make our nervous system react very strongly to sight, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches. These reactions can be embarrassing, make it hard for us to have the relationships we want, or just stress us out. Learning self-soothing can help us feel better in these situations, but other people like therapists and guidance counselors can help us even more.

Learn who you can talk to about getting more help.

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Whether we have experienced traumatic events or not, waiting before reacting is not natural for most of us.

If we see a cookie, we may want to eat it right away.

When we get emotional or excited we can all benefit from learning to pause, slow down, and think things through. We call this:

making space

What do you think is the difference between reacting and responding? When we react, we let our emotions take over. We act quickly, without much thought. This might be when someone pushes our buttons and our heart races, our breath quickens, and we might even feel sick to our stomachs. We often act in a way that we regret.

Learn who you can talk to about getting more help.

You earned 1 Explorer Point!

We can learn this skill with practice and grow our brains! When we learn to do this, studies show that we can grow smarter, make more money, have better relationships, and feel happier.

Victor Frankel, a Holocaust survivor, stated, “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” What does this mean? With increased space, people can learn how to respond rather than react, which will lead to personal growth and the freedom to choose.

Learn who you can talk to about getting more help.

You earned 1 Explorer Point!

Enough reading! Now it’s time to…

Learn a Skill - Breathing

Learn a Skill

Focused Breathing

Time to learn your first skill! Watch the video above.

Learn a Skill - Breathing

Skill Practice

Focused Breathing


You just learned a skill:

Focused Breathing

Focused Breathing Skill


You just learned a skill:

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Reward Boxes


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Experience Points


Experience points help you keep track of your achievements. How many can you earn?

Practice Plan

Exercise Brain

Me & My Emotions isn’t just lessons – it teaches you skills that can positively impact your mental well-being. We recommend finishing one lesson a week and focusing on practicing skills. They’ll help you the most when you use them regularly.

Practice Plan

skill focused breathing_larger

Focused Breathing

Recommended: 6


Experience Points


Skills Learned

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